Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sky diving VS. SCUBA Diving

Sky diving: the sport of speed, beauty, and exhilaration. The rush of the wind, the excitement that comes from jumping out of a perfectly good airplane, the thrill of the earth growing larger as you zoom towards it with only a sheet of nylon to slow your fall. Then the sights: The ever present and oh so cliché, “I can see my house from here!" Wind, noise, speed. The polar opposite of SCUBA diving. Scuba is about taking it all in, slowly, steadily, and safely. With scuba diving, if you air runs out, you calmly head to the surface. It’s quiet, slow, and the water feels great. There are some similarities, though.
In Both sky diving and Scuba diving, you go out of your natural element to experience nature in a very special way. You see, feel, and hear new things every time you go. In diving, the noises that are low tones are muffled, indiscernible even. But the sharp noises are amplified tenfold. If your dive knife slides out of its sheath and hits a rock, it sounds like a gunshot. For the gamers out there: the dive scene in modern warfare 2 is the closest I’ve seen to the real thing. It is much the same in skydiving, where the Doppler Effect takes a huge role. If someone yells to you, it sounds very different to you that it would on the ground. The rushing winds take your breath away. The two sports are similar in that they both change your world from the norm to something otherworldly. Your senses are tried and tested in very extreme situations. Yes, they are dangerous, but if you do as you are taught and do it well, the only danger is heart attack from excitement!

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